
Butterbeer Pudding Pops

Inspired by the Harry Potter Series

By Genie Boynton November 13, 2017

Many of our kids (and even some of us) have a long standing love of all things Harry Potter.  This recipe was inspired by my many visit to the Wizarding World at Universal Orlando/Islands of Adventure, my countless views of all the movies, and my obsession with all 7 books.

These Butterbeer (no alcohol involved) Frozen Pudding Pops are the perfect snack for hot summer days or chilly fall evenings!

Here's what you'll need:

1 -  pack of butterscotch pudding
1 - pack of cheesecake pudding
4 - cups of milk
Molds (I used Pudding Pop molds that already had on hand, but this can be modified for whatever you have accessible)

Here's what you'll do:

1) wisk together your pack of butterscotch pudding and 2 cups of milk in a bowl
2) fill your pop molds approx. 3/4 of the way full with the butterscotch pudding 
3) wisk together your pack of cheesecake pudding and the remaining 2 cups of milk in a bowl
4) top off each of your pop molds with the cheesecake pudding
5) insert popsicle stick or whatever item you will use to hold your pop once it's fully frozen
6) place in freezer so that your molds are standing evenly (this will prevent lopsided pops and/or a pudding mess)
7) leave in freezer for at least 5 hours, in order for the pudding to fully freeze.

That's it!  Remove your Butterbeer Pudding Pops & ENJOY!